I love to hike!
Aug 22, 2022
If anyone has ever followed me on any social media platform, there are two things you would instantly recognize. My solid love for coffee and hiking. I love nature in any season. No matter what…if I experience stress, or if I just want to reconnect… I can rely on nature to welcome me, calm my soul, and bring peace to whatever noise of life is troubling me.
Even when I travel the same trails, I see it differently each time. There is always something new to see. A perspective I hadn’t noticed before. Perhaps a new flower is blooming, or a new tree is blossoming. It could even be a different time of day and I will notice new things due to the sun casting shadows. There is always something new to discover.
And then there is the familiar. When I hike trails multiple times, I start to recognize certain trees. I look forward to seeing them each time. Like friends, they’re reminders of the constants in life. Things I can count on. They are always there, cheering me on, greeting me as if to say, “Hello, KK. Nice to see you back on the trail today.” I imagine my reply, “Hello, old friend. Good to see you here in all your glory.” It brings me comfort and joy. And peace.
Oh, and, the sounds. Sweet, joyful melodies of different birds and the long calls of the mourning doves. Chattering squirrels as they playfully chase after each other and jump from tree to tree. Gentle, flowing rivers and the babbling creeks. I can’t listen intently enough to soak in every sound that provides music to my ears. It’s nature’s symphony. Sometimes low and intense and at times reaching a crescendo of excitement and joy. I often wonder, “Is nature matching the depths of my heart, or am I only listening through the filter of whatever I’m experiencing at the moment?”
Yes, nature is my happy place. No matter what I’m experiencing in life. Joy, sadness, stress, or grief. Through laughter and sometimes tears….nature meets me there and together, we connect for a period of time. And the world is made right once more.