It was a great morning hike, and then…..rain
Aug 22, 2022
I’ve been sick for the past week and haven’t felt like hiking. This summer cold which threw me into a migraine and a week of coughing wore me out.
Then, on Wednesday, I got some unsettling news. A work colleague that I’ve known for 25 years, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. He was my age. Another brutal reminder of how fleeting life is.
Even though I’m still not feeling 100%, I wanted to go hiking. The weather forecast was calling for rain, but I decided that if radar didn’t show any rain nearby, I would be on the trail by 7 am Thursday morning.
When i woke that morning, a quick view of the weather radar didn’t show rain too close and I left at daybreak for Hawn State Park in Saint Genevieve. The park offers miles of hiking and backpacking opportunities and it’s one of my favorite places to go. Only one other car was in the parking lot which meant that seeing anyone else on the exact trail I would take would be slim. I was elated. This morning would be about processing my friend’s death and life in general.
Nature never disappoints. The night before had brought much needed rain, so the creek level was up and muddy. Apart from the running creek, the only sounds were the birds singing happily and the drops of residual rain as it fell from the leaves of the trees. These sounds brought comfort to my heavy heart.
The last time I was on this particular trail was last fall, after the leaves had started to turn colors. It was glorious then, it was still glorious on this summer morning. The air felt fresh and clean after the rain. The earth felt alive and I could feel life’s burdens lifting from my mind with every step I took. And then…..along came the rain.
I wasn’t even half-way through the trail when the gentle rain started to fall. Knowing that I would have to cross the creek and climb over rocks during the hike, I had to decide whether to keep going or turn back. I wasn’t concerned about crossing the creek, but water on these huge rocks and boulders causes them to become very slick and dangerous to navigate. I decided to go on and complete the trail.
It took about two hours from start to finish, through the muddy creek, over rocks, through wet underbrush and along the muddy trail. All the while, the rain fell.
Isn’t that just like life? We trudge through our daily routines and then the rains come. Challenges and setbacks threaten to derail us or makes us pause and consider turning back. Decisions have to be made. Do we move on through these challenges, or let them stop us?
It’s gratifying to move forward despite the rain. It may slow us down, but it must never stop us. With careful navigation, you can get through whatever is attempting to block you. Like me, you may get soaked. Like me, it may take you longer than expected. Like me, you can overcome and make it to the end.
And then, the sun returns.
With love from the trail,